Free Printable ELA Worksheet and Lesson Plan

Write a "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle TV Plot Outline", an Environmental Activity Worksheet

  1. Choose a TV series that you all know which takes place in the present.
  2. List the regular characters.
  3. Start with this outline:
    1. Opening scene: Introduce the situation - a main character starts a campaign to make everybody "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!"
    2. Middle scenes: The complications
    3. Final scene: How the situation is resolved or ends.
  4. Brainstorm about the outline:
    1. The opening: Which main character is most likely to start a 3R's campaign? How would he or she tell the others about it?
    2. The complications:
      • How do the other characters' main traits make them react to the campaign and the person that started it?
      • Which characer is least likely to care about the 3R's? Who would have the hardest time reducing?
      • What if the campaign starter slips up and fails to follows the 3R's?
      • Focus on conflicts: conflicts between characters; conflicts between ideal goals and real life difficulties; conflicts within a character, what we try to achieve and what we really do, wanting to be liked and trying to achieve a goal that others may not like.
    3. The resolution: Could a character learn a lesson by dealing with a complication? What events could cause characters to change their minds and what actions would show these changed attitudes?
  5. Build up the outline:
    • Choose your favorite resolution. Circle the complications leading to it. If there are less than 3, choose others, to total about 4 middle scenes.
    • Put the middle scenes in order so that each complication is more difficult and tension-filled than the previous one.
  6. Final goal: Create a final good copy of your outline.

    Make copies for everyone in the class so that they can read and discuss your outline.

Teacher Notes for
Write a "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" TV Plot Outline

Suggested grade levels: 5, 6, 7, 8

Curriculum expectations addressed:

  • Work with others on on a creative project, brainstorm ideas, reach a consensus
  • Create a standard plot line, point of view, setting and conflict.
  • Analyze the effect of character traits on the plot and the resolution of the conflict.
  • Critique the credibility of characterization and the degree to which a plot is contrived or realistic.

Suggestions for use:

This is intended as a follow-up to a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle discussion or activity.
  1. Divide the class into groups of 6 to 10 students and distribute copies of the worksheet.
  2. Explain that each group is to create a plot outline for an episode of a TV series of their choice. The starting point for the plot is that one of the characters launches a "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" campaign.
  3. The final product is to be a good copy of the resulting outline which can be given to the other groups for review and discussion.
  4. Distribute the outlines produced to the entire class. Lead a discussion of the outlines, touching on points including:
    • Do the characters behave like their familiar TV personalities - do their actions reflect their basic character traits?
    • Does the story seems exciting, interesting, or funny?
    • Do the conflicts seem realistic? Does the resolution seem realistic?
    • After discussing all of the outlines, which do they like the best? Why?

Variations and extensions:

Have students select a scene from their story outlines, each assume a role, and perform an informal improvisational performance of the scene. Other students can contribute suggestions and ideas during the performance or perform their own improvisations after.

Discuss whether the performers acted as the TV characters would have acted. What character traits did they exhibit?

Use the story outline as a basis for Writing a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle TV Script. for Free Printable K - 8 Worksheets
