The baby is _ days old. wet sweet five five
My sister is _ years old. windy late seven seven
I am _ years old. six third happy six
I drink _ glasses of milk a day. two late green two
He is in _ grade. easy second three second
Candy is _. tired ten sweet sweet
The story has a _ ending. happy one mad happy
A joke is _. tall sleepy funny funny
A ladder is _. dark tall round tall
Don't be _ for class. late four cold late
The test was _. easy wet blue easy
The leaf is _. late happy green green
The sky is _. blue sour tall blue
Ice is _. hungry cold mad cold
The fire is _. hot round sleepy hot
A ball is _. two round tired round
The rain made the ground _. wet mad late wet
At night it is _. dark five happy dark
I want to buy a _ jacket. new round kind new
A skyscraper is _. three tall blue tall
A knife is _. sharp hungry late sharp
There are _ days in a week. orange loud seven seven
I count _ candles on the cake. six sharp funny six
The rain made my hair _. new wet seven wet
Pick the _ flower. windy cold pretty pretty
I eat _ apples a day. tall two funny two
The _ sound hurt my ears. loud good round loud
A peach is _. sweet many easy sweet
The lemon is _. one kind sour sour
The _ dog needs a bath. late dirty tall dirty
I am so _ I could eat a house! hungry eight clean hungry
She yells when she is _. orange mad small mad
I'm so _ to see you! happy sharp tall happy
I feel _ and need a nap. kind sleepy six sleepy
I am _ for class. late small sweet late
The leaves on the trees are _. tall green sour green
You need light in the _ room. dark hungry two dark
The pumpkin is _. round ten long round
She is _ to say goodbye. pink sad lost sad
The dog is _ in the forest. lost four tall lost
The toy cat is _ to touch. sad tall furry furry
His great-grandfather is very _. orange old nine old
I love _ bread. green happy warm warm
Joey is the _ student in the class. best ten long best
_ snow covered the ground. Round White Sweet White
You have _ fingers. best round ten ten
Please give me _ candy. some hungry light some
A banana is _. eight one yellow yellow
It is a _ day. four little hot hot
It is _ and the leaves are blowing. long windy green windy
It is so _ that it will snow. round cold clean cold
Big books are _ to carry. pretty cold heavy heavy
My aunt has _ cats. five round hot five
Ethan has _ bicycles. full two long two
A dog has _ legs. good old four four